With it being my first full day of being 24, this morning I
began thinking about the ways that God has challenged me to grow in the past
three years. As a person, as a friend, as a family member, as a teacher, wife,
and mom. He has put huge opportunities in front of me to do this, but I worried
about how I am going to grow and better myself in all aspects of my life this
year. I prayed for God to continue changing and growing me to be better for
Him, my son, my husband, and everyone else around me.
Then this afternoon I got to thinking about the mysterious
ways that God answers prayers. I have grown so much through the amazing
blessings He has given me, but God can also use challenges to grow me. Life’s
challenges are scary and stressful, but they inspire me to trust Him in ways I
never have before, to cherish my amazing husband, to show my son what a strong
woman is, and to grow as a woman who loves loudly, but also stands up for what
is right.
In honor of International Women’s Day, I want to recognize
the women who inspire me to conquer these challenges with grace.
My friends, who amaze me with their beauty, inside and out
every day. Even though we don’t always keep in touch the way I’d love, I
appreciate the way they sparkle my life whenever we do talk.
My colleagues, who make a difference in students’ lives
every day. I appreciate their friendship, expertise, and support each and every
Kyle’s mom, who raised the most amazing man I know in the
most loving way possible. I hope that I can be half the mom to Chase that she
was and still is to my sweet man.
My mom, who has shown me since the day I was born how
important teaching is and how to love people with more than just words. She was
the best teacher, and she always knows what to do in times of crisis.
My sisters, who are my best friends, showing me what it
looks like to rock being an amazing mom, teacher, and person all at once. I
don’t know what I’d do without them.
So here’s to the women who inspire me to get through life’s
challenges in the best way possible.
I will take every blessing AND challenge God throws my way
this year and come out stronger, braver, and better for everyone around me.
“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs
without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25