Wednesday, March 8, 2017


With it being my first full day of being 24, this morning I began thinking about the ways that God has challenged me to grow in the past three years. As a person, as a friend, as a family member, as a teacher, wife, and mom. He has put huge opportunities in front of me to do this, but I worried about how I am going to grow and better myself in all aspects of my life this year. I prayed for God to continue changing and growing me to be better for Him, my son, my husband, and everyone else around me.

Then this afternoon I got to thinking about the mysterious ways that God answers prayers. I have grown so much through the amazing blessings He has given me, but God can also use challenges to grow me. Life’s challenges are scary and stressful, but they inspire me to trust Him in ways I never have before, to cherish my amazing husband, to show my son what a strong woman is, and to grow as a woman who loves loudly, but also stands up for what is right.

In honor of International Women’s Day, I want to recognize the women who inspire me to conquer these challenges with grace.

My friends, who amaze me with their beauty, inside and out every day. Even though we don’t always keep in touch the way I’d love, I appreciate the way they sparkle my life whenever we do talk.

My colleagues, who make a difference in students’ lives every day. I appreciate their friendship, expertise, and support each and every day.

Kyle’s mom, who raised the most amazing man I know in the most loving way possible. I hope that I can be half the mom to Chase that she was and still is to my sweet man.

My mom, who has shown me since the day I was born how important teaching is and how to love people with more than just words. She was the best teacher, and she always knows what to do in times of crisis.

My sisters, who are my best friends, showing me what it looks like to rock being an amazing mom, teacher, and person all at once. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

So here’s to the women who inspire me to get through life’s challenges in the best way possible.

I will take every blessing AND challenge God throws my way this year and come out stronger, braver, and better for everyone around me.

“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Momma Bear Rant

I don't know if it's the hormones or the momma bear instincts, but I need to rant. Recently, I have noticed some serious negativity coming from pregnant women. And I get it. Yes, we gain tons of weight and our clothes stop fitting. Yes, attempting to sleep at night is often miserable. Yes, we feel sick and our bodies are not just our own right now.

But being pregnant is the best! I can't get over how blessed I am that God made me a mother. I can't get over how amazing it is that I get to grow a human that is half me and half the best person I know. I can't get over how wonderful my body is for changing the way it has and knowing exactly what my sweet baby needs. I can't get over how well my husband loves me and this baby already.

Being pregnant means I get the blessing of a beautiful baby. Being pregnant means I get to feel my child moving and growing inside of me. Being pregnant means feeling a whole new kind of love coming into my soul. Being pregnant means that at the end of all this, my amazing husband and I get to grow our marriage and use our teamwork to be PARENTS! 

Yes, pregnancy has its inconveniences, and I know I have been blessed with a healthy one so far. But no matter what happens to me or my body, I get to experience a beautiful miracle that some unfortunately do not. I will not take that for granted.

Being pregnant is amazing! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

On This Day

The On This Day app for Facebook has become something I look forward to reading every morning when I wake up. Seeing where I've been and where I am now gives me the motivation to thank God every morning for my life now and everything that led me to this point. 

I've been through heartache that didn't make sense. But looking back, it prepared me to truly appreciate a husband who treats me better than I deserve. Without the rocky relationships, I don't know if I'd realize how completely special, loving, and amazing Kyle is. I'm now seeing those past relationships from the perspective my family and friends had at the time, thinking, "Why?!" But I don't regret any of it, because it's made me a better wife to the best man I've ever known.

I've been through stresses with school (mostly induced by procrastination). But this made me a better teacher by having to learn how to think and do quickly. My procrastination problems have been greatly reduced, but the ability to "wing it" comes in handy when the technology I've planned to use for a lesson suddenly stops working, when I'm getting the "deer in the headlights" look and need to rewind on a concept, and when a student raises their hand and asks me a question I totally wasn't expecting. The worries I had in college over classes, schedules, and graduating have become some of my strengths now. 

I have been through a lot with my faith. The ups and downs over the past years have changed and molded my relationship with God. My biggest issue has always been the trusting in Him. As a control freak and worry wart, the thought of "let go and let God" seemed virtually impossible for me. But looking back on everything, I've seen how He was with me at every moment of my life, and how he has transformed everything that has happened into something good. When I'm having trouble with trusting now, I repeat the mantra, "I have no reason not to trust God." I know that life is not always going to be smooth sailing, but I know that my God, my Savior, and my Spirit have got my back 100%. 

I'm sure that many of you have enjoyed reflecting on your past through the app, but maybe it's hard for some of you, seeing better days behind you. I hope that if that's the case, you will remember that someday soon, you'll be able to look back on these days and see how they've shaped you into being better somehow. 

Peace, love, and joy. Xo <3

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Whole Year

A year ago today, Kyle Watterud asked me to be his wife and changed me forever. Though this year has included many changes and milestones, having Kyle by my side has been the best constant I could ask for.

One change that occurred is that I no longer have the ring he proposed to me with. A series of loose stones, chipping metal, and a cracked center diamond lead to us choosing a ring that I wouldn't have to get fixed every month. I was bummed when I handed it over, but I will never forget how I felt when the best man I know got down on one knee, opened the box to reveal the ring, and asked me to marry him! One of the most joyous moments I've experienced.

Another change for the both of us is that we became home owners. Not only that, but this was the first time either of us lived with someone other than family and friends. We grew as a couple through long days and nights of painting, discovering, in depth, each other's quirks, and learning how best to respond to each other in an argument. Buying a house, living together, and everything else that comes with owning a home, has been an adventure. But there is no one I'd rather adventure with than my handsome best friend!

A year ago I was a student teacher counting the days until graduation. Now I'm a first year teacher, finally living in the moment of each day because what I've been looking forward to for so long is here! Having Kyle by my side through the transition of college student to aide to teacher has been a blessing. He was patient when listening to me ramble about education, supportive when I needed someone to celebrate with me, and reflective when I needed someone to bounce ideas off. And what a great delight to be called Mrs. Watterud every day!

Finally, the greatest change that has occurred over the past year is that Kyle and I have gone from dating to engaged to MARRIED. We definitely felt the shift after we got engaged, with beginning the process of buying a house shortly after and then moving into that house together and making it our home. But the shift from engaged to married wasn't as obvious. Of course, our wedding day was absolutely perfect and beautiful, and our honeymoon in Jamaica was a dream. But once we got back to real life, it took some time for the husband/wife thing to hit us. Over time, I have noticed subtle changes. They way we handle disagreements is more constructive. They way we go out of our way to make each other feel loved is more prominent. And introducing each other to people has gotten so much more fun! :)

The bottom line is: this year has been a whirlwind from the moment my sweet husband asked me to marry him. I fall more in love with you every day, Kyle, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings us!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sparkling Years!

It's been a while since I have written one of these! But with 2014 in my rear view and 2015 just hours away, I can't help but reflect and project.

Last year at this time I never would have dreamed where I'd be at today. I was single, still plugging away at school, living in an apartment, and had no inkling of what I would do after graduation. Today I am engaged to my best friend and love of my life, a college graduate, living in my own home, and ready to begin my future as an educator in Sunburst. Out of all of the years I've lived, 2014 has thrown the most glitter into my life, and I am so blessed by my God!

On December 31st every year, people make resolutions to better their lives, relationships, and selves. For me it's always been to lose weight, take more risks, or other things along those lines. But this year I resolve to:

1. Trust in God wholeheartedly. That's always been one of my biggest sins, but seeing what He's done in my life this year has proved to me that Jeremiah 29:11-13 is so true. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

2. Think thoughts of gratitude. There are always going to be ways that life can be improved. But even when times are hard, if you look closely, you will see that God is everywhere, giving out thousands of blessings daily. I am happier than I have ever been, and I want to always be grateful for the beautiful amount of sparkle!

3. Love the way Jesus loves. This one is also hard for me. Loving like Jesus means seeing past unkind actions and words, things I may not agree with, and negativity. To attempt to love like Jesus, I constantly have to remind myself that "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Though I plan to love Kyle this way forever, I need to include everyone else in that philosophy as well.

These are not just resolutions for the coming year, but lifelong goals. I will never master these, but with a conscious effort I can improve my life, self, and relationships every year.

With that said, thank you, God, for giving me the best future husband I could ever dream of, amazing new friends and experiences, a home to call mine, and a college degree all in 2014. It was a year I will cherish forever.

I hope everyone has had a 2014 full of blessings, and will have a beautiful and sparkly 2015!

xo <3

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Positive Spins

Technically, it’s spring, my favorite season. I love watching the dirty icebergs of snow disappear, smelling fresh rain drops brewing in the clouds, and seeing soft blades of green popping up and taking over the ground’s brown, prickly blanket.

It was supposed to come here a week ago, however, as white puffs cloud my vision outside, I have come to the conclusion that spring is extinct.

Besides taking a shot in the dark (or white, I guess) as to where I’m going when I drive, my favorite part about today’s blizzard was having to put the hood of my sweatshirt over the bun on my head. I walked across campus looking like a mutant dinosaur in Ugg boots. Cute.

And now that I’m done complaining, let me reveal the silver lining of this long winter (and also life’s metaphorical winters).

Bad things force you to find the good in your life.

Unless you want to go crazy from being annoyed by the winter that can’t take a hint about leaving, you have to find little things in your life to build up your happiness. For example, today one of the little girls I nanny for said, “Ronnie? Actually winter’s kind of pretty. Snow is sparkly!” Winter’s been here for so long that I’ve forgotten to really look that there truly is beauty in it.

Also, I’ve noticed that I’ve been appreciating the people in my life more and more lately. The love, support, and happiness they bring me are better than even the earliest spring!

I’ve even started re-noticing little things, like the fun paintings I have hung in my room, that I have enough clothes to not do laundry for a month, and the immense amount of books I have waiting to be read on my bookshelf and kindle.

When something is frustrating and won’t seem to go away, sometimes all that’s left is the little things. And then when you start noticing those things, you start appreciating them again, and when you appreciate them you realize they are actually the big things.

When things are going well, it’s natural to start taking everything for granted. But after a storm is over, you appreciate what you once forgot to even notice. I know that this long winter will lessen the amount of “It’s too hot!” complaints this summer!

I know I didn’t perfectly articulate the message I wanted to get across in this, but let me sum it up by saying this:

Every cloud has a silver lining. And if you look closely enough, that silver lining has little specks of glitter that will rain down on you if you just take the time to notice them. Even in the worst storm, we can still find some glitter in our hair at the end of the day. J Xo <3

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snow Globes

I’m not sure how this idea even popped into my head, because it’s kind of weird, but bear with me as I try to explain my thoughts from this morning.

Think of the little characters inside snow globes. They are so cute with their little scenes, just going about their day with sparkles on the ground. Then someone takes them and turns them upside down and shakes them all around. Ah! But then they are set back down and the sparkles float around so beautifully until they finally settle and the scene is back to normal.

Well, I think that life is kind of like that, too. We are all just cute little figurines inside our snow globes, for the most part pretty content with our lives. But sometimes things happen that turn our lives upside down and shake us up.

Initially, that event feels disorienting, stressful, and scary. We worry about how we can go on or how we will get our lives back in order. We have been tossed around inside our snow globes.

But I believe that after every time we are turned upside down, beauty comes from it, just like a snow globe. Sparkles come down in the form of new friends, stronger relationships, better character, or fresh perspectives.

We can close our eyes when things get rough because we are afraid, but if we forget to open them in the aftermath, we miss discovering all of the positive “sparkles” that come from it.

We’re all going through things that are hard. We’re all in snow globes that get shaken up. But all of our snow globes have beautiful sparkles in them. Let’s remember the enchanting beauty that dwells in our lives every day in the midst of stress, heartache, and fear.

Happy winter! Xo <3 J