Friday, December 31, 2010

After midnight we'll be new

Well here's s fun fact for everyone: I am posting this from my new iPod touch as I hula hoop in the middle of my room :). This new year in about 12 hours thing has got me feeling kind of nostalgic. Is anyone else scared by how rapidly time goes by? It terrifies me.
This year I learned how a good relationship should be, what I want from life, how I want to be known, and that I actually kind of love myself.
Don't change for anyone because if they don't like who you are you wouldn't get along with them anyways.
I've already made my resolutions, so now I challenge all who are reading this to make at least three and keep at least one :).
It's a new remove all of the toxicity from your life, love yourself and others equally, and have a great new year, despite the road bumps life will throw us all.
Let's all work together to make 2011 a sparkling year :)
Thank you for reading this, whoever you are. It's nice to be heard every once and a while.
The end. <3

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'd Rather Have Mumps Than The January Slump

I hope everyone's Christmas was beautiful! Mine was :)
So now we are on to the month of January...which I usually hate beyond hate. I don't know why. It just seems to be a month that isn't fond of being lovely.
This year I refuse to suffer from the January Slump. :)
Who wants to join me?

More tomorrow. Can't focus on writing an entertaining blog at the moment.
The end. <3

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Insects with Wings Attack!

Ya know what?
I am a fraidy cat to say what I feel.
The walls I put up are weird random sayings with deep insightful meanings hiding behind.
Those sayings often end up in my blogs...
So have fun trying to figure that out I guess. Hahahaaaaaa. Maybe one day I'll actually tell you.
This subject line isn't that hard to figure out.
Thanks, flying bugs, for this wonderful feeling. Stupidheads.

TOMORROW'S CHRISTMAS EVE! Woot. Everyone leave a cookie for Santa please.
Okay, now I will lay in my warm bed, listen to happy music, play solitare, and overanalyze things until I fall asleep.
Good night, peacies!
The end. <3

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Christmas's almost here! Everyone make sure you put up your twinkle lights and put out your homemade goodies and put on your sweet smiles. :)
Have you ever experienced wanting something to happen so bad you thought you might just go crazy? That's me.
Please happen.
Okay. That's all for tonight, short post because I don't want to jinx anything.
The end. <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Didja Know?

Two days until FREEDOM! Yes, this next two weeks could very well be pure bliss.

Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
The average person laughs 13 times a day.
The three wise monkies are Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).

Sneeze less, laugh more, and listen to the monkies. :)

Give someone love today!

Btw...stay away from pastries.

The end. <3

Monday, December 6, 2010

Old Man Winter needs to chill....I mean...warm?

So...cold...don't wanna...get out of bed...
How about this?
School comes to ME this morning....
With some hot chocolate and marshmellies.
Yes, that is what I want.
Yoga and sparkles and family and shopping.
Having no homework and music and candy.
Making craft items and being happy.
These are a few of my favorite things.
When it's cold out!
When I'm stressed out!
When I'm feeling sad.
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't FEEEEEL
The end. <3

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Glisten, glow, gleam!

Princess Christmas tree is sparkling pinkness througout my room....<3.
Shimmery garland is hanging from my flower floor lamp...<3.
Lovely vibes are rushing through my soul....<3.
Things are gonna be okay.

Glisten....because the world needs more people to shine.
Glow....because people easily get lost in darkness.
Gleam...because we're all beautiful.