Where do I go now?
This whole year there was something inside of me that thought that once high school was over and I was living somewhere different my life would suddenly become something glamorous, crazy, meaningful. I thought I would know exactly who I am, where I was going, and what I needed to do.
But my life really hasn't changed all that much. I still spend my weekend nights reading books or watching movies with my family. I still struggle with the self esteem issues, although I know they are stupid. I still feel like there has to be something more. I feel like I know less about who I am, where I'm going, and what I need to do.
Don't get me wrong: I'm so grateful for my life and the people in it. I love it and I love them. But I never understood the quote, "The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same," until now.
It's hard to explain it. I don't really know if my confusion is normal, or if I'm the only one who feels so unsure.
Call me melodramatic, but I just don't know what life wants me to do anymore. I just want something to happen. I want to meet new people. I want to spend time with unexpected people that I already know. I want to feel young and wild and free.
But I know I'll be okay and I know this will pass. ....Just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin', just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. :)