Monday, August 22, 2011

This is not the end, this is not the beginning!

So here we are.

The summer has quickly ended and I can easily say it was the best summer of my life (so far :)). I met so many amazing new people, made new friends, found new hope with boys, and learned to appreciate my amazing family and home so much more.

I remember exactly three months ago I was sitting in my room in Sunburst, still not completely packed to leave, and thinking...this is it. Well, here I am again...sitting in a new room, a new home....still not completely packed to leave... This is it...

Now prepare comes in corny, sentimental Ronnie.

No matter who we are or where we've been, we almost always try to plan for life and predict the future. But if we would just stop planning and predicting for a few moments we could truly see how beautiful our lives already are. I never could have imagined anything that happened this summer three months ago. Not a single thing...but I wouldn't have changed anything that happened for the world! Although it's only been three months...I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to the person I want to be every day.

So, thanks, God, for:
My two beautiful sisters/best friends
Having a fabulous place and fabulous people to live with this summer
The amazing friends I have been able to stay in touch with
The new people I met :)
Random bursts of spontaneity that led to the crazy, fun memories
A BEAUTIFUL and healthy new niece
Keeping my other BEAUTIFUL princess healthy
The best parents I could possibly ask for
And for keeping the bright, sparkling future a secret from impatient little me

I think it's good to not know how cold the water is...just jump in!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dual bloggo with Brooketha AKA Blog of Parentheses

We're sittin' on the couch (Brooke's brown microsuede couch in the basement).  Brooke's just finished her homework(for the night, folks. Don't get too impressed).  Veronica just returned from a girlfriend date at Sonic (where Brooke was not welcome....uh!).  Our plan is to do Just Dance! Summer Party for the first time (Jeremy only bought it for Brooke a month and a half ago...NBD).

We shopped with Mom today (at many places, but Wally World stands out.)  There were two sisters shopping with their mom in the grocery section (the freezer aisles).  They were CAH-REEEEEPIN! (Why? We don't know.) 
Our possible explanations? 1. We look like twins. (Twins are sometimes interesting, case and point, Carol and Colleen.  I'd stare at them...)
2. They thought we were Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood. (We get confused for them a lot. A LOT.) 
3. We had globs of ABC gum on our butts. (Which might be a problem since Veronica was wearing a short dress today. Ask mom. It was short.)
4. We reminded them of their third grade teacher. (We are teachers, they had's a legit connection.)
5. (and this one is definitely most likely) We are beautiful.

At the beginning of this summer we had a large agenda (okay, we'll be honest...we wrote out a color coded contract and legally SIGNED them with our blood (just kidding...just a pretty marker)) of activities to accomplish before Veronica left for college. Some of these activities included:
a. Going for nightly walks (except for when it's raining, smells weird outside, when Cody and Riley just aren't having it with the neighborhood canines, or when we are being stalked by the paparazzi....which happened often, of course)
b. Just Dance EVERY day (except the days we wake up late, have to work, or need a drink of water)
c. Salad for lunch and dinner (we ran into a few lovely manager's specials at Smiths with the lettuce) daily (except for when the lettuce has little brown spots on it, when we are out of ranch, or when the house is fully stocked with starbursts and wheat thins)
d. Plan and do fun activities (except for when Teen Mom, The Bachelorette, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, The Glee Project, and Quilt in a Day are on....yes Veronica resorted to watching an old lady talk about quilts with Brooke on at least one occasion.)
So...since we are such busy girls and all of these exceptions kept blocking our path to awesome productive we sit at the end of the summer having accomplished none of them (we DID however, become aunties again to a beautiful new niece! Remember, we are the queens of excuses...? :)). (double chin smile...we didn't eat enough salad) :))

Here is our list of activities for next summer:
1. Start a dessert business. Brookie's Cookies and Ron Ron's Bon Bons (we're taking requests for our first products! Maybe a bon bon cookie? Or a cookie bon bon?)
2. Travel to each of the seven wonders of the world in a self-navigated hot air balloon (with rainbows and sparkles on it, of course)
3. Writing more of these dual blogs (aren't we HILARIOUS!?) :))
4. Buy a slip-n-slide and host neighborhood slippy parties (you don't have to actually live in the neighborhood to attend...but the maximum occupancy will be 1000 so it's gonna fill up fast...)
5. Rent an inflatable bouncy house to live in for a couple days (not even kidding...that one would be fun)
6. Do our "twin for a day" experiment (tally and record the data into an Excel spreadsheet)
7. Start an ostrich farm (they have big eggs).

Well, we've succeeded at our number one success for the summer: procrastination.( We're still sitting on the brown microsuede didn't think we were typing this while dancing, did you?)  We'll stop getting a kick out of ourselves (we've burst into laughter about our wittyness approximately 16 times during the composition of this blog) and being lazy and get to dancin' now. 
(We're doing Firework by Katy Perry first.)

This is the best picture we could get in a series of about 9 shots. (You can see the Carrie Underwood/Taylor Swift resemblance here, huh?)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby, OOOOOOH!

Ronnie Gillund's Day Off
     Once upon a time Ronnie woke up with the intent of having a lovely, productive day. That did not happen. Here's why:
A new 100 color eyeshadow thing that caused her to spend 20 minutes layering colors upon colors on her eyelids.
Creedence Clearwater Revival Pandora Radio ended up being extremely enjoyable.
Her computer freaked out and took an hour to restore itself to its factory settings.
While she was waiting for the computer to restore she decided to paint her nails and toes with the new nail polishes she got on Saturday. The colors are named: 24/7, pinky glitter, hottie, and savage.
Facebook takes a long time to upload photos from her summer. Which consisted of the first week of June and the first week of August...her camera was broken between those dates because she dropped it in Central Park.
She ate a few fun size candy bars.
She then was left alone and so instead of beginning productivity she decided to take a 15 minute nap....which turned into an hour and a half nap...
She discovered the Glee version of tap tap revenge on her ipod.
Justin Bieber Pandora Radio ended up being dancalicious and she danced in the kitchen for a while.
Then she sat down to write this blog.
The end. :) <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ya Taste Like Whiskey When Ya Kiss Me, Oh! I'd Give Anything Again to Be Your Baby Doll!

Beings as I'm leaving for college within the next two weeks, I'm sure many of you are expecting yet another deep, moving, philosophical blog. Not happening tonight. Tonight you get a list :)

My Favorites from the Past Two Months
  • Beautiful Haylie Marie :)
  • Trip to Connecticut and seeing my awesome brother, sister-in-law, and beautiful niece Skylar!
  • Living with two of the funnest people ever
  • Reeling in my first fish ever
  • Picnic at Ryan dam
  • Carly and Morten's beautiful wedding and dancing with my lovely Morgan family
  • Watching my cousin kick butt and be beautiful at State "Distinguished Young Women"
  • Eric Church :)
  • Watching the stars on a ginormous mountain of dirt in the middle of nowhere with a lovely fellow :)
  • State fair walks with my beautiful new friends Megan and Kaity!
  • Random conversations with people at Target (usually over 60 or under 6)
  • My Target family :)
  • Getting paid every two weeks
  • Swimming in a freezing waterfall with my bestie cousin!!
  • Seeing momma and baby moose!
  • Enjoying writing songs and playing on the lovely Ibanez big brother got me :)
  • Midnight trip to the fish hatchery and Gibson Park
  • Silly 4th of July evening
  • Dance parties with Brookie and Cody and Riley while she quilts
  • My new fence scar
  • The feeling of joy that overwhelms me when I see my best friends I haven't seen in forever!
  • You and I by Lady Gaga
  • Getting blonde again!
  • My walking trail
  • Tody and Wiwey!!
  • The beautiful acryllic nails that stayed on forever and then were a pain to take off!
  • Blacklight bowling
  • Gaining independence and strength to do my own thing and be happy on my own
  • Mountain yoga with Lauren
  • Having TWO closets to raid when I can't find something to wear (thanks Brookie :))
  • Getting updates on my two little princesses!
  • And then that person who I never would have met this summer if I didn't fly away from Sunburst. :)
So there ya have it folks! This list could have gone on for two months...(I really have had the lovliest summer)...but I thought I'd spare some of your time. I have been terrible about blogs this summer! Hopefully get one good one up though before my real life starts... as for now, peace and love!! :) <3