Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sparkly Clorox Wipes

It has been much too long since I've last done this. However, now more than ever is a great time to start back up again! In less than 48 hours I will have completed my Freshman year of college. After actually putting that right out there a few thoughts come to mind. First of all....yuck! I'm old! How does time fly by soo fast?! I honestly feel like it was just a week ago that I was scared and confused, moving into the dorms with an embarrassing amount of things and an embarrassing amount of nerves! But second of all, I think of how much I learned this year and how important it was to me. I can't even begin to count all of the crazy memories I get to pack up with all of my things and leave here with. Good or bad, they have brought me closer to the person that I need to be.

School-wise I learned that no matter how hard you study, if you haven't gone to class you probably aren't going to do so hot on the tests. I learned that it's important to form some sort of relationship with your professor because not only are they more personally invested in you, but you are more invested in the class and will care a lot more about doing well. I learned that if you are a procrastinator now, you probably will always just have to learn how to deal with prolonged stress, creating quality work in a quick way, and late nights!

Boy-wise I learned that it's great to be single. I learned that even if it means being alone, standing your ground and respecting yourself is something you'll never regret! I learned what isn't worth putting up with no matter how much you care about the person. I learned that fate has a way of interfering with your plans. I learned that letting yourself be caught up on one person will make you miss out on chances with a lot of great people. And I learned that even if it freaks em out, it's probably best to just be your weird self from the get go so no one gets scared later on when the true crazy comes out.

Self-wise I learned that I am unorganized, messy, scattered, and a procrastinator, and always will be.....and that's okay! I learned that when life feels like it's hard, it gets harder...but then you just learn how to deal and all of a sudden you realize you're content and happy and grateful for life. I learned that I can do more than I think I can. I learned that it's okay that I'm kind of weird because the people that don't like it are boring anyways...helps to weed out some great friends from people I wouldn't necessarily get along with. I learned how important my family is to me and how incredible they are. I learned that I'm going into the right career path.

Faith-wise I learned that God really does have everything planned out to a T. I learned that where I'm at now or at any given moment is exactly where He needs me to be and He has a great reason for putting me there. I learned that He's really always there and that He won't lead anyone to a path they can't hike through. I learned how to trust God's plan for me and how to not try to make my own. I learned how to talk to God like he's my best friend (and then he became my best friend!). I learned that life is beautiful.

This year I made some amazing friends, gained another sister in my lovely Jordyn, got some crazy memories, drove over a few bumps in the road, and came out a stronger person than I've ever been!

Love life! <3