"When one door closes, God always opens up a better one for you to step through." Four summers ago, after getting my heart broken for the first time, my mom wrote this in a card for me.
Though I didn't really have the experience or perspective to realize it then, I know now how true this is. I went into this summer still wounded from a heartbreak I experienced earlier this year. I let the toxicity get the best of me for about 10 months...and then one night about a month ago I slammed the door shut and stood in awe as I witnessed another one opening before my eyes.
I think that to see that better door finally open up, one must make a conscious effort to close and lock the door behind them. The only time people stand under doorways for long periods of time is when there is an earthquake...but life is not an earthquake that we need to hide from. If something is not working out we need to get ourselves into a place where we can be better.
So that night when I slammed the door I just felt a change of heart. Why should I wait around for something to make me happy when I could be happy now? I made a decision to make that happen. But that meant going out of my comfort zone. That meant letting someone go that I spent a whole year waiting on. That meant giving the nice guys a chance.
And guess what? I'm happier now than I've been all year. I burned yet another bridge from yet another not so great relationship and I survived. I finally let myself be happy and take a risk to find someone who would actually keep his word and make me smile. And this time if it doesn't work out it won't hurt the way it did before because the nice guys don't hurt girls on purpose.
My mom really knew what she was talking about when she gave me that card so long ago. I know that there are more doors I'll need to close. But now I have proof that God will never take something without giving something better in return. We can all be happy if we have the courage to cut off attachments to the things that are holding us down and look towards the sun as we move on to a better place.
And that is all for my corny, sentimental, over-sharing blog for the summer! Stay tuned for my random, crazy, let's avoid packing one coming soon this week :)
xo <3