But being pregnant is the best! I can't get over how blessed I am that God made me a mother. I can't get over how amazing it is that I get to grow a human that is half me and half the best person I know. I can't get over how wonderful my body is for changing the way it has and knowing exactly what my sweet baby needs. I can't get over how well my husband loves me and this baby already.
Being pregnant means I get the blessing of a beautiful baby. Being pregnant means I get to feel my child moving and growing inside of me. Being pregnant means feeling a whole new kind of love coming into my soul. Being pregnant means that at the end of all this, my amazing husband and I get to grow our marriage and use our teamwork to be PARENTS!
Yes, pregnancy has its inconveniences, and I know I have been blessed with a healthy one so far. But no matter what happens to me or my body, I get to experience a beautiful miracle that some unfortunately do not. I will not take that for granted.
Being pregnant is amazing!